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The Globalization Myth
A review of

The Globalization Myth

Why Regions Matter

Shannon K. O'NeilYale UP • 2022

A Regionalized World

by David Meyer

The author of Two Nations Indivisible and a columnist for Bloomberg Opinion, Shannon K. O’Neil details why nations thrive when neighbors cooperate.

The author of Two Nations Indivisible and a columnist for Bloomberg Opinion, Shannon K. O’Neil offers insights on postglobalization commerce. She cogently argues that the most important economic activities on the planet hinge on the cooperation of neighboring nations.

A Regionalized Economy

The global economy is regionalized. A few regions dominate international commerce, and the biggest powers favor relationships with their nearest neighbors. Most commercial activity sends goods not across the world but to nearby countries. While North America, Europe, and Asia, for example, trade with one another as global powers, they remain closely tied to their own smaller spheres.