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The Innovator’s DNA
A review of

The Innovator’s DNA

Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators

Learn To Innovate

by David Meyer

Offering revelatory examples of disruptive innovators, innovation gurus Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen and the late Clayton M. Christensen detail their methods to show how you can learn to innovate.

If you want to innovate more successfully, you can turn with confidence to Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen and the late Clayton M. Christensen. Innovation gurus all, the authors studied contemporary innovators and synthesized their findings in this handbook. They examine how some of the world’s great, disruptive innovators, such Apple’s Steve Jobs and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, came up with groundbreaking ideas. They don’t promise that innovation automatically leads to success, but the practices they recommend consistently align with commercial achievement.

Highly innovative companies live by a set of key innovation philosophies that instill a deep, company-wide commitment to innovation.Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen & Clayton M. Christensen

You may wonder if innovation and creativity really are learnable skills – or only traits worth emulating and encouraging. Dyer, Gregersen and Christensen insist you can improve and sustain your ability to innovate, and they tell you exactly how to go about it.