Many people believe that disagreeing with someone means you’re starting on opposite sides and that eventually, maybe, you’ll meet in the middle. Perhaps you secretly hope that if you argue well enough, the other person will see your logic, change his or her mind, and apologize for being so shortsighted. This unrealistic, unhealthy goal doesn’t respect the other person’s opinions and experience. So how should we approach disagreement? Business strategist Julia Dhar and management and leadership consultant Julie Masters provide actionable tips in this episode of the Inside Influence podcast.
About the Podcast
Julia Dhar is the co-founder of BeSmart, the Boston Consulting Group’s behavioral economics initiative. Her TED Talks, “How to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground” and “How to Have Constructive Conversations,” have received more than 10 million views. Julie Masters is a managment and leadership consultant. She hosts Inside Influence, a fortnightly podcast on speaking and influencing.
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