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Peter Singer
The Most Good You Can Do
How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically
Yale UP, 2015
What's inside?
“Effective altruists” are pragmatic philanthropists who redefine what it means to give ethically.
“Effective altruism” pioneer Peter Singer advocates taking a pragmatic approach to giving. To reduce suffering and save lives, do your research and place your money with organizations where it will do the most good. Singer provides giving guidelines and noteworthy case studies of people whose lifestyles support these ideals. The chapters about how to choose a charity will intrigue readers who are willing to wrestle with philosophical questions such as whether curing blindness or feeding the starving is the worthier cause. For others, the inherent challenges of these moral dilemmas can make the book a weighty read that poses ethical questions. Though Singer’s concept of what makes a donation most valuable may spark some debates, getAbstract finds that this practical approach to giving will intrigue anyone looking for effective ways to help others.
About the Author
Princeton University bioethics professor Peter Singer’s other books include Animal Liberation, Practical Ethics and The Life You Can Save.
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