The Need For Speed
Four Recommendations to Turbo-Charge Digital Performance in the Automotive Industry
The Capgemini Research Institute picked the brains of 174 automotive executives from 85 organizations to better understand how the industry is embracing digital transformation. They then compared that data with information collected from 1,300 executives working in 750 other global organizations. Their conclusions? The automotive industry is falling behind the digital curve. This special report explains how partnerships, innovation platforms, digital self-service options, a digital hub within the company and enhanced data analytics can help move the auto industry in the right direction.
About the Authors
Contributing authors for this special report include Jerome Buvat, the global head of research, Shahul Nath an associate consultant, Nick Gill the executive vice president of the Global Automotive Sector, and Marisa Slatter, a manager at the Capgemini Research Institute. Markus Winkler is the Executive Vice President of Automotive at Capgemini Invent, and Dr. Rainer Mehl is the executive vice president and managing director of manufacturing, automotive and life sciences at the Capgemini Research Institute.
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