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Joseph Michelli
The New Gold Standard
5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company
McGraw-Hill, 2008
What's inside?
Ritz-Carlton's brand has become synonymous with the concept of elegant service and luxury. Here's how the hotel chain does it.
Even if you’ve never stayed at a luxurious Ritz-Carlton hotel, you are likely to know of the hospitality chain’s sterling reputation. Few companies enjoy such powerful brand recognition; after all, the word “ritzy” has become part of the English vocabulary. Incredibly, no one ever wrote a corporate biography about The Ritz-Carlton, and its secrets of success and service, until Joseph A. Michelli took on this project. He details the five principles Ritz-Carlton employees follow to create a memorable, or “wow,” customer experience. He shows how the company’s leaders teach the “Ladies and Gentlemen” on its staff to live its mission and precepts. Michelli uses quotes and examples to illustrate every point (and is still supporting his position long after the reader’s neck is sore from nodding in agreement). Yes, it really is all that. getAbstract believes this book offers any businessperson a valuable case study in excellence and service.
About the Author
Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D., wrote the bestseller, The Starbucks Experience. He is an international business consultant, radio host and lecturer who appears on CNBC’s On the Money.
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