By reflecting on her own and others’ most important life decisions – good and bad – business thinker and creativity maven Nilofer Merchant realized the uniqueness of every person on the planet. Interviews with hundreds of diverse people who’ve led extraordinary change convinced her that anyone, anywhere, can share his or her ideas widely and make a positive “dent” in the world. Merchant provides the formula for making your mark: Find your purpose or meaning, then rally like-minded people who share your passion. With them, scale the idea to make world-changing impact. Merchant insists perhaps a little too strenuously that you can make a dent only by finding lots of “joiners” for your cause or by joining other movements that inspire you. But, as she also says, you can be as effective on a smaller scale. Merchant’s thought-provoking exploration of how groups of individuals drive significant change will appeal to anyone interested in starting a movement or in understanding how individual and collective action succeed.
About the Author
Nilofer Merchant found her onlyness when she refused an arranged marriage and went to college instead. She speaks and writes about ways that people can fulfill their individual potential.
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