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The Rediscovery of America
A review of

The Rediscovery of America

Native Peoples and the Unmaking of U.S. History

Ned BlackhawkYale UP • 2023

US History: The Indigenous Story

by David Meyer

Yale professor Ned Blackhawk, a Native American, details the history of Indigenous people in today’s United States before and after the arrival of Europeans.

Yale University History and American Studies professor Ned Blackhawk, a member of the Te-Moak Tribe of the Western Shoshone, details Indigenous people’s contributions to America and depicts their struggles through five centuries of Native and non-Native history. In this 2023 National Book Award nonfiction winner, Blackhawk addresses the violence and dispossession Indigenous people faced and survived as he celebrates their enduring power, spiritual and practical agency, and ability to persevere and succeed.

Indigenous Cultures

The subjugation and near extermination of America’s native population obscure the significant impact Indigenous people had on founding and building the nation. Failure to teach about that impact is a fundamental flaw in American history texts and education.

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