The Road to Cuba
The Opportunities and Risks for US Business, Revised and Updated Edition
Knowledge@Wharton outlines the tantalizing business prospects in Cuba, just across the Florida Straits from the United States. Air lines, cruise lines, hoteliers, farmers, lenders, real estate investors and energy executives all want to do business with the Caribbean’s largest island. Whether the profits will materialize in the wake of President Barack Obama’s visit is the wild card. The Castro regime is notoriously intractable and rigidly opposed to what Washington wants. This astute primer describes the risks and rewards of investing in or trading with Cuba. Its conclusions promise opportunities and warn of perils, much like the island nation itself. getAbstract finds that investors, policy makers, executives and entrepreneurs wondering what normalization will mean for US businesses will gain a great deal from this brief review.
About the Author
Knowledge@Wharton is the online business analysis journal of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.
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