The Rookie CEO, You Can't Make This Stuff Up!
Learn how 9 rookie CEOs got there, executed, created their stories and led!
In this tour of mistakes by new CEOs, executive coach Bill Miller shares his experiences working with rookie leaders in his long career as a consultant. Dividing the book into four sections – path, philosophy, culture and leadership style – Miller details the qualities that give certain rookie chief executives an edge and tells readers where others went wrong. You will savor the successes and failures of the Builder, the Flyboy, the Cyclone and the Innovatist, among others. Miller likes a funny story, and facing these CEOs’ most egregious errors, he throws up his hands and exclaims, “You can’t make this stuff up!”
About the Author
Tech industry consultant, speaker, coach and executive adviser Bill Miller worked for the rookie CEOs whom he features in his book.
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