Jeffrey Krames’ biography of current U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is laced with leadership advice and built on databases and clips. This short book, at last, places Rumsfeld’s long career into a coherent framework. Probably to hit a wartime deadline, Krames based the text primarily on work published about Rummy over a 40-year period, and not on independent research. In fact, a disclaimer says the book has no endorsement or authorization from Rumsfeld or anyone around him. In the 1970s, Rumsfeld published a long list of bland but entertaining aphorisms under the title, "Rumsfeld’s Rules." Krames draws many of his leadership suggestions from that compilation. But the chronology about Rumsfeld’s career dominates and fascinates. Rumsfeld is far more interesting than he seems, a much more potent and historic figure. For that reason, getAbstract.com recommends this book to corporate officers, journalists, news junkies, political operatives, disgruntled Saudis and all defense contractors.
About the Author
Jeffrey A. Krames is vice president and editor-in-chief of McGraw-Hill’s Trade Division. He is considered an expert on leadership. He is also the author of The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership.
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