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Alec MacKenzie
The Time Trap
The Classic Book on Time Management
AMACOM, 1997
What's inside?
Please allow us to introduce you to the biggest cause of all your stress: You.
Author Alec MacKenzie has updated the mother of all time-management books, which first hit the shelves in 1972. Despite the fact that time management has become a multi-million-dollar industry since this title was originally published, The Time Trap still stands as one of the most effective guides to getting it together. Why? Because MacKenzie tells you flat out what the problem is: You. He doesn’t offer sympathy, create excuses or complain about how modern technology has put us on a treadmill. Instead he tells you, in plain English, how to record how you spend your time, how to identify time-wasting activities, and how to change your behavior to make yourself more productive and efficient. Nowhere will you find a self-help book with more practical techniques or less BS. Small-business owners and time-pressed executives are the perfect audience for this book, but getAbstract recommends it to any stressed-out professional or student.
About the Author
Alec MacKenzie is an internationally known writer and speaker on time management. He has conducted hundreds of seminars in 40 countries. He is the author of numerous cassette programs and books, including the previous two editions of The Time Trap
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