Hunter Muller
The Transformational CIO
Leadership and Innovation Strategies for IT Executives in a Rapidly Changing World
Wiley, 2011
What's inside?
Today’s CIOs stand at the front of every key initiative.
As technology changes, corporations must constantly relearn how to operate in a complex information environment. Chief information officers (CIOs) can make the difference between success and failure for their companies. Few know the world of CIOs better than IT executive Hunter Muller, who presents an impassioned – if pedestrianly written – manifesto on the importance of CIOs as agents of corporate transformational change. He interviewed numerous CIOs and thoroughly presents their opinions and some rare, real-world guidance. getAbstract recommends this thought-provoking book to CIOs and other IT professionals and suppliers.
About the Author
Hunter Muller is the president and CEO of HMG Strategy LLC, which organizes networking events and supplies services to CIOs globally.
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