The US Is Shearing Our Sheep Wool
How the New Tax-Cut Bill in the US Is Going to Affect China
Americans aren’t the only ones wondering about the impact of the Trump administrations’s Tax and Jobs Act of 2017. China, too, has strong feelings about these tax cuts. In this Sina News opinion piece, financial expert Xu Quansheng addresses the nation’s anxiety over the possible negative effects of the US tax bill on China, points to the shortcomings of China’s own tax system, and suggests a Chinese plan of action in response to the US tax reforms. getAbstract recommends this article to American readers wondering why the rest of the world keeps an eye on everything that happens in the United States.
About the Author
Xu Quansheng is a senior financial columnist at Sina News. He is a financial expert who has spent many years working for first-tier financial institutes.
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