This illuminating roundtable discussion among noted historians Yuval Noah Harari, Timothy Snyder and Anne Applebaum, and with Ukrainian MP Yegor Chernev, features important insights on the conflict in Ukraine and its implications for the future of democracy. The participants take particular note that, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the paths Ukraine and Russia have taken have radically diverged, and that, as the conflict drags on, Ukraine’s identity as a sovereign nation has only grown stronger.
About the Speakers
Anne Applebaum is a historian whose books include Twilight of Democracy and Red Famine. Timothy Snyder is a professor of history at Yale University and the author of Bloodlands and The Road to Unfreedom. Yuval Noah Harari is a historian and professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His books include Sapiens and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. Yegor Chernev is a member of the Ukrainian Parliament who is currently fighting in the Ukrainian army.
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