Making Sense of Life's Changes
First Edition: 1980 more...
Published by Da Capo Press, a subsidiary of Perseus Books LLC
ISBN: 9780738209043
Pages: 194
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In 1970, English professor William Bridges was experiencing a difficult time in his life. A scholar, he decided to learn all he could about the psychology behind making major life transitions. Eventually, he taught a course about it and then developed his ideas into this book, which quickly became the definitive source on the topic. Mental health professionals recognized it as a breakthrough self-help text, and it remains a classic in the field. With applicable insights, information and concepts, Bridges leads you through an often anxious process. He helps you identify and understand your personal development timeline and use change to your advantage as a way to achieve both spiritual and psychological growth.
About the Author
William Bridges is a lecturer and consultant who has written 10 books including Managing Transitions, Job Shift, Creating You & Co, The Way of Transition, and Surviving Corporate Transition, as well as other editions of this book.
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