Mary S. Furlong
Turning Silver into Gold
How to Profit in the New Boomer Marketplace
FT Press, 2007
What's inside?
Creative ideas for selling to the baby boomer market: how an aging population presents great business opportunities
Most books that address the impact of the baby boom generation contain too many statistics and not enough insights. Mary S. Furlong tries to fight that trend with this slightly disjointed look at data and stories about companies that cater to this demographic group. She relays interesting sagas about entrepreneurs, but sometimes omits the richness of detail that would give them the practical impact they deserve. She weaves five baby boom trends (“global markets, longevity, technology, life-stage transitions and spirituality/giving back”) through each chapter of her analysis, as she discusses what the boomer generation might buy, how many of them might buy it and how you might market it. getAbstract finds that she offers good information and solid coverage of her subject.
About the Author
Mary S. Furlong, Ed.D., founded a consultancy about marketing to baby boomers. She teaches at Santa Clara University in California. She founded SeniorNet and has produced numerous venture capital summits. She also wrote the Grown-Up’s Guide to Computing.
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