Alfie Kohn
Why Self-Discipline Is Overrated
The (Troubling) Theory and Practice of Control from Within
Alfie Kohn, 2008
What's inside?
Self-discipline is the key to success. Ask anyone, and they’ll agree – except for Alfie Kohn.
Speaker, author and former educator Alfie Kohn’s essay offers compelling reasons to question the virtue of self-discipline. Have too much self-discipline, he argues, and you’re a compulsive automaton. Have too little, and you’re easily sidetracked and wild. Both can be a problem, but the reason educators and parents vilify the latter is because it presents more of a problem for them. For the disciplined individual, too much self-control may limit the fun they have and their innate impulsiveness. getAbstract recommends this summary to parents, educators and anyone who often feels that whatever they are doing, they should be doing something else instead.
About the Author
Alfie Kohn is an author and lecturer in the areas of education, parenting and human behavior.
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