In this book, author Ian I. Mitroff, an expert on crisis management, helps you attain the attitudes and philosophy you need to ensure that your organization implements crisis management correctly. Instead of repeating the basics of crisis management, he urges corporate leaders to learn, understand, adopt and practice attitudes and tactics that can help businesses implement crisis management more skillfully. This book will help you think about crisis management differently and will spur you to implement pre-crisis planning at your organization. The author’s stories about how companies have mishandled crises make it hard for you to miss the point. getAbstract.com believes executives and managers who read this book and buy into its philosophy will learn how to become better prepared for the unexpected, so they can make a difference when it really counts.
About the Author
Ian I. Mitroff is a professor at the Marshall School of Business and the Annenberg School for Communications at the University of Southern California. He’s the author of numerous papers and books on crisis management, management policy and other areas of business.
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