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You Coach You
A review of

You Coach You

How to Overcome Challenges and Take Control of Your Career

Vest in Self-Belief

by David Meyer

Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis – who co-wrote the best-selling book The Squiggly Career – offer sound, workable advice for boosting your growth mindset and self-belief.

Founders of the coaching company Amazing If, Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis – who co-wrote the best-selling book The Squiggly Career and co-host the Squiggly Careers podcast – combine inspirational prose with a self-coaching and positive-psychology toolkit to help you transform self-limiting beliefs into trust in your limitless potential.

Coach Yourself

Nearly everyone benefits from career coaching, but these services tend to be cost-prohibitive in the United States. Fortunately, you can develop the skills and mindset needed to act as your own career coach, Tupper and Ellis argue.

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