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Many people believe they cannot prevent the physical and mental decline associated with old age. Not true. As you age chronologically, you can “reprogram” your body and its vital systems, so that you stay relatively young, biologically. Doctors Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, experts on the aging process, explain how. Their helpful guide on reversing the damage of aging is packed with fascinating information about how your body works. It details how to enjoy a healthy, physically vibrant life well into old age. Two minor drawbacks: The writing style and layout can get way too cutesy, and many of the cartoonish line-drawings are just plain gross, depicting internal organs with smiley faces, and creepy liver-spotted characters drenched in icky goo. Otherwise, getAbstract applauds this down-to-earth, fact-filled, comprehensive guide to diet, nutrition, exercise, health and maintaining physical youth. Read it to learn how to turn back your biological clock. If you want to make staying young your new hobby, this is your user’s manual.
About the Authors
Michael F. Roizen, M.D., is chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic and author of the RealAge series of books. Mehmet C. Oz, M.D., is a professor and vice chair of surgery at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University. He also wrote Healing from the Heart. They are the co-authors of You: On a Diet, You: The Smart Patient and You: The Owner’s Manual.
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