
The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

As founding Chief Executive Editor of <Wired>, Kevin Kelly's <Out of Control> which was published in 1994 has predicted what has been happening thenceforth, now his new book <The Inevitable> is already going viral in China because: 1. China's most successful "We Media" LUOgic Thinking with 6 million active followers has gained the right of "world premiere" of this wonder book, and has promoted it to the eager Chinese readers since last year via the exclusive selling Chanel: LUOgic Thinking's public account on weChat; 2. Everyday life in China is embedded with Internet Thinking, just like QR-Code is part of their daily life, so any good book predicting the future of the cyber space will enjoy popularity in China because this book can be just a depiction of their not-so-distant real life. I highly recommend this book even it will be released to the rest of world ONLY in June, and we should keep an close eye on it before June, simply because it's a must, pointing out where the trends and the future are. BTW, our (hopefully) soon-to-be partner GetIt of LUOgic Thinking has already summarized it by getting permit from the copyright holder of its Chinese version (also up to now the only version worldwide), and has reached millions of click rates. More about Chinese Internet Thinking, weChat-Cosmos, our (to-be) partners' brief introductions included, please refer to (only in German, soon I'll translate it into Chinese to show how the westerners report their daily lives): 【#12: Chinas pralles Business hinter der Firewall】

Kevin Kelly
Language: English


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Submitted by Yi ZENG
March 13, 2016

Reviewed by Koni Gebistorf
March 16, 2016

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Activated by Elisabeth Nitzsche
June 28, 2017