Saltar la navegación

Jim Collins

9 Libro

Be 2.0

Cómo lograr que tu empresa sea un negocio exitoso y sostenible
Jim Collins y Willliam Lazier
Reverté Management (REM), 2024
10 Libro

Los 7 hábitos de la gente altamente efectiva

Edición del 30 aniversario
Stephen R. Covey et al.
Simon & Schuster, 2020
8 Libro
Jim Collins
Reverté Management (REM), 2021
9 Libro

Good to Great

¿Por qué algunas compañías dan el salto a la excelencia y otras no?
Jim Collins
Reverté Management (REM), 2021
10 Book

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

30th Anniversary Edition
Stephen R. Covey et al.
Simon & Schuster, 2020

How The Mighty Fall

And Why Some Companies Never Give In
Jim Collins
HarperCollins, 2009

Great by Choice

Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck – Why Some Thrive Despite Them All
Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen
HarperBusiness, 2011

Built to Last

Successful Habits of Visionary Companies
Jerry I. Porras and Jim Collins
HarperBusiness, 2002

Good to Great

Why Some Companies Make the Leap … and Others Don’t
Jim Collins
HarperBusiness, 2001