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How Africa is Becoming China's China
2018Jul 31
Start learning with Brilliant for free at The first 200 to sign up for a premium account with that link will also get 20% off. Check out my personal channel:    / @samfromwendover993   Get the Wendover Productions t-shirt: Subscribe to Half as Interesting (The other channel from Wendover Productions):    / halfasinteresting   Support Wendover Productions on Patreon:   / wendoverproductions   Youtube:    / wendoverproductions   Twitter:   / wendoverpro   Email: Reddit:   / wendoverproductions   Animation by Josh Sherrington Sound by Graham Haerther ( Thumbnail by Simon Buckmaster Special thanks to Patreon supporters James McIntosh, Braam Snyman, Harry Handel, KyQuan Phong, Kelly J Knight, Robin Pulkkinen, Sheldon Zhao, Nader Farzan, James Hughes, Ken Lee, Victor Zimmer, Dylan Benson, Simenn Nerlier, Donald, Etienne Dechamps, Qui Le, Chris Barker, Andrew J Thom, Keith Bopp, Alec M Watson, Chris Allen, John & Becki Johnston, Connor J Smith, Arkadiy Kulev, Eyal Matsliah, Joseph Bull, Hank Green, and Plinio Correa Otjivero Dam footage courtesy Drone Visions Namibia Music by

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Wendover Productions

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