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Daniel Yergin
The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power
Philip Hirschhorn et al.
Andreas Goldthau and Simone Tagliapietra
Market turmoil and geopolitical realignment after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine put livelihoods and the green-energy transition at risk. Here’s how researchers can help overcome the threats.
Deborah Abrams Kaplan
With just 3.6% of global reserves, access to the critical mineral is vital to the country’s sustainable energy plans.
Bruce Edwards and Daniel Yergin
Philip Hirschhorn and Tom Brijs
Mike Lyons et al.
Aditi Verma et al.
Amid the urgent need to decarbonize, the industry that delivers one-tenth of global electricity must consult the public on reactor research, design, regulation, location and waste.
Richard Rhodes
A Human History
Daniel Oberhaus
Today, petroleum producers around the world will start shutting down wells after the Covid-19 pandemic caused demand to plummet. What took them so long?
Ingerid Opdahl
(BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies)
Beth Gardiner
A Surge of New Production Is on the Way
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