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Elie Dolgin
Despite previous warnings, drug makers failed to prepare a stockpile of compounds to fight viral pandemics. Can they finally do the right thing?
John Wong et al.
Evan Hughes
Crime and Punishment at an Opioid Startup
Carrie Arnold
The next big revolution in pharmaceuticals could be miniature production systems – small enough to fit in a briefcase.
Katherine Eban
The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom
Barry Werth
A Small Competitor Challenges the Drug Giants
Bapu Jena and Julie Kanfer
Dr. Albert Bourla
Inside Pfizer's Nine-Month Race to Make the Impossible Possible
Friedemann Wolf et al.
Dennis Normile
Nation hopes reforms will yield more and better drugs
克莱顿•达尔顿(Clayton Dalton)
Clayton Dalton
For big pharma, the perfect patient is wealthy, permanently ill and a daily pill-popper. Will medicine ever recover?
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