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Philip Hirschhorn and Tom Brijs
Asian Development Bank
Lessons Learned from the Pilot LED Municipal Streetlight and PLN Substation Retrofit Project (Pilot LED Project) in Indonesia
World Economic Forum
Industry Agenda
Bob Keefe
Stories from the Frontlines of an American Business Revolution
Alex Dolya et al.
Richard Rhodes
A Human History
Anshuman Sahoo et al.
Gretchen Bakke
The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future
David Manley et al.
It’s time for more transparency in the management and governance of national oil companies
Adrian Cho
Billed as safe and cheap, NuScale’s small reactors aim to revive the ailing nuclear industry and help save a warming planet.
Russell Gold
How Fracking Ignited the American Energy Revolution and Changed the World
Steve Coll
ExxonMobil and American Power