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8 Article
Giada Ferraglioni and Sergio Colombo
BBC, 2023
8 Article

Les travailleurs continueront-ils à payer le prix de la flexibilité ?

Les employés travaillant selon des modalités non traditionnelles en subissent les conséquences en termes de rémunération et de promotions. Alors que le travail flexible devient la norme, pouvons-nous mettre fin à ces inégalités ?
Katie Bishop
BBC, 2022
8 Article

Will workers continue to pay a price for flexibility?

Employees with non-traditional working arrangements have been punished in pay and promotions alike. As flexible work becomes the norm, can we end the penalty?
Katie Bishop
BBC, 2022
9 Article

Apprendre intelligemment de ses échecs

Nous sommes nombreux à répéter les mêmes erreurs – mais une nouvelle approche peut nous aider à tirer de précieuses leçons de nos échecs.
David Robson
BBC, 2022
9 Article

The Smart Way to Learn from Failure

Many of us make mistakes on endless repeat – but new insights can help us to learn valuable lessons from our failures.
David Robson
BBC, 2022
8 Article

How to Rescue the World’s Biggest Cargo Ships

Enormous container ships ferry goods all over the world, but when one of them gets into trouble – as happened with the Ever Given and the Ever Forward recently – how can they be saved?
Chris Baraniuk
BBC, 2022
9 Article
Bel Jacobs
BBC, 2022
8 Article
Alex Christian
BBC, 2022
8 Article
Kate Morgan
BBC, 2022
9 Article

Failing Up

Why Some Climb the Ladder Despite Mediocrity
Zulekha Nathoo
BBC, 2021
8 Article

The Huge Benefits of Working in Your Second Language

Working in another language can be awkward and challenging, but it has a surprising number of positive side effects.
José Luis Peñarredonda
BBC, 2018