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Boston Review Resúmenes

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8 Article

Neoliberalism’s Bailout Problem

Mainstream economics ignores the massive government interventions that “free market” capitalism requires.
Robert Pollin and Gerald Epstein
Boston Review, 2021
8 Article

Our Global Food System Was Already in Crisis. Russia’s War Will Make It Worse

The Global South will suffer the most as colonial legacies, climate change, and capitalism continue to plunge millions into hunger.
Raj Patel
Boston Review, 2022
8 Article
Paul Katz and Leandro Ferreira
Boston Review, 2020
8 Article
Lenore Palladino
Boston Review, 2019
7 Article
Kevin P. Donovan and Emma Park
Boston Review, 2019
8 Article

Economics After Neoliberalism

Contemporary economics is finally breaking free from its market fetishism, offering plenty of tools we can use to make society more inclusive.
Suresh Naidu et al.
Boston Review, 2019
8 Article
Lenore Palladino
Boston Review, 2018
8 Article
Dani Rodrik
Boston Review, 2017