Brookings Institution Press Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Brookings Institution Press.

8 Book

Of Boys and Men

Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do About It
Richard V. Reeves
Brookings Institution Press, 2022
8 Book

The Intersector

How the Public, Nonprofit, and Private Sectors Can Address America’s Challenges
Neil Britto and Daniel Gitterman
Brookings Institution Press, 2021
8 Libro

La danza de los trillones

Los países en desarrollo y las finanzas mundiales
David Lubin
Brookings Institution Press, 2018
8 Book

Dance of the Trillions

Developing Countries and Global Finance
David Lubin
Brookings Institution Press, 2018
7 Book

Bytes, Bombs and Spies

The Strategic Dimensions of Offensive Cyber Operations
Herbert Lin and Amy Zegart
Brookings Institution Press, 2019
9 Book

The Future of Work

Robots, AI, and Automation
Darrell M. West
Brookings Institution Press, 2019
8 Book

Divided Politics, Divided Nation

Hy­per­con­flict in the Trump Era
Darrell M. West
Brookings Institution Press, 2019
6 Book

The Senkaku Paradox

Risking Great Power War Over Small Stakes
Michael E. O'Hanlon
Brookings Institution Press, 2019
8 Libro

El juego imperial

Putin, Ucrania y la nueva guerra fría
Marvin Kalb
Brookings Institution Press, 2015
8 Libro

Mr. Putin

Operativo en el Kremlin
Fiona Hill y Clifford G. Gaddy
Brookings Institution Press, 2015
8 Libro

Reyes y presidentes

Arabia Saudita y Estados Unidos desde FDR
Bruce Riedel
Brookings Institution Press, 2017
9 Book

Beyond NATO

A New Security Ar­chi­tec­tu­re for Eastern Europe (The Marshall Papers)
Michael E. O’Hanlon
Brookings Institution Press, 2017