Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Brookings Institution Press.
Richard V. Reeves
Why the Modern Male Is Struggling, Why It Matters, and What to Do About It
Neil Britto and Daniel Gitterman
How the Public, Nonprofit, and Private Sectors Can Address America’s Challenges
David Lubin
Los países en desarrollo y las finanzas mundiales
Developing Countries and Global Finance
Darrell M. West
Robots, AI, and Automation
Marvin Kalb
Putin, Ucrania y la nueva guerra fría
Fiona Hill y Clifford G. Gaddy
Operativo en el Kremlin
Bruce Riedel
Arabia Saudita y Estados Unidos desde FDR
Michael E. O’Hanlon
A New Security Architecture for Eastern Europe (The Marshall Papers)
Kemal Kirisci
Fault Lines in a Troubled Alliance
Saudi Arabia and the United States since FDR (Geopolitics in the 21st Century)
Reid Wilson
Ebola and the Global Scramble to Prevent the Next Killer Outbreak
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