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Fast Company Press Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Fast Company Press.

9 Libro

Hacer cosas más grandes

Guía práctica para una innovación poderosa en un mundo cambiante
Dan McClure y Jennifer Wilde
Fast Company Press, 2024
9 Book

Do Bigger Things

A Practical Guide to Powerful Innovation in a Changing World
Dan McClure and Jennifer Wilde
Fast Company Press, 2024
8 Libro

De Malthus a Marte

Cómo vivir, liderar y aprender en un mundo exponencial
Nicolai Chen Nielsen y Lars Tvede
Fast Company Press, 2023
8 Book

From Malthus to Mars

How to Live, Lead, and Learn in an Exponential World
Nicolai Chen Nielsen and Lars Tvede
Fast Company Press, 2023
8 Book

The Corporate Social Mind

How Companies Lead Social Change from the Inside Out
Derrick Feldmann and Michael Alberg-Seberich
Fast Company Press, 2020
8 Book

Time to Lead

Lessons for Today’s Leaders from Bold Decisions That Changed History
Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
Fast Company Press, 2020
9 Book

Return on Ambition

A Radical Approach to Your Achievement, Growth, and Well-Being
Nicolai Tillisch and Nicolai Chen Nielsen
Fast Company Press, 2021