Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de FT Publishing.
Manuel Braun y Julia Binder
Un marco práctico para modelos empresariales sostenibles
Manuel Braun and Julia Binder
A practical framework for sustainable business models
Stephen Andriole
How to win the strategic technology game
Martin Eppler and Fabienne Bünzli
Build Your Data Fluency
Audrey Tang
Utilice las habilidades blandas para obtener resultados sólidos
How to Use Soft Skills to Get Hard Results
Cliff Bowman y Paul Raspin
7 estrategias para dirigir un negocio más rentable en un mundo complejo
Cliff Bowman and Paul Raspin
7 Strategies for Running a More Profitable Business in a Complex World
Louisa Weinstein
How to Resolve Disputes, Defuse Difficult Situations and Reach Agreement