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Kevin Maney et al.
Ideas que forjaron un siglo y una compañía
The Ideas that Shaped a Century and a Company
James Mathewson et al.
Cómo captar al público de la Web con contenido relevante
Targeting Web Audiences with Relevant Content
Maria Azua
Innovar, encender y ganar mediante la colaboración en masa y las redes sociales
Mary Ann Bopp et al.
Lessons and Approaches from IBM
John Lamb
How Companies Can Make a Difference for the Environment
Sandy Carter
How to Use ANGELS to Energize Your Market
Innovate, Ignite, and Win Through Mass Collaboration and Social Networking
Sara J. Moulton Reger
Insights from IBM's Tangible Culture Approach
Mike Moran
How the Web Changes the Old Marketing Rules
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