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Oxford UP Resúmenes

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8 Libro

Me alegro de que nos hayamos conocido

El arte y la ciencia de las reuniones uno a uno
Steven G. Rogelberg
Oxford UP, 2024
8 Book

Glad We Met

The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings
Steven G. Rogelberg
Oxford UP, 2024
9 Book
Neil Richards
Oxford UP, 2021
9 Libro

Auge y caída del orden neoliberal

Estados Unidos y el mundo en la era del libre mercado
Gary Gerstle
Oxford UP, 2022
9 Book
Geoffrey R. Stone and Lee C. Bollinger
Oxford UP, 2022
9 Book

The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order

America and the World in the Free Market Era
Gary Gerstle
Oxford UP, 2022
8 Book

Poorly Understood

What America Gets Wrong About Poverty
Mark Rank et al.
Oxford UP, 2021
9 Book

The Quantum Divide

Why Schrodinger’s Cat is Either Dead or Alive
Christopher C. Gerry and Kimberley M. Bruno
Oxford UP, 2016
9 Book

Gods of Management

The Changing Work of Organizations
Charles Handy
Oxford UP, 1996
8 Book

A World Beyond Physics

The Emergence and Evolution of Life
Stuart A. Kauffman
Oxford UP, 2019
8 Libro

Grandes transiciones

Cómo se hizo el mundo moderno
Vaclav Smil
Oxford UP, 2021
8 Libro

El cambiante entorno laboral

Cómo adaptarse al nuevo futuro del trabajo
Joe Ungemah
Oxford UP, 2021