Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Princeton UP.
Arvind Narayanan and Sayash Kapoor
What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can’t, and How to Tell the Difference
Max H. Bazerman
The Game Has Changed
Camilla Nord
The Science of Mental Health
Stephen Porder
Cómo cinco elementos cambiaron el pasado de la Tierra y darán forma a nuestro futuro
Lizhi Liu
The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China
Verity Harding
Cómo podemos cambiar el futuro de la IA y salvar el nuestro
How Five Elements Changed Earth’s Past and Will Shape Our Future
How We Can Change AI’s Future and Save Our Own
Kate Abramson
R. Jisung Park
Los costos ocultos de un mundo que se calienta
The Hidden Costs of a Warming World