Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Slate.
Alison Green
¿Por qué no están haciendo la única cosa que los atraerá?
Why Aren’t They Doing the One Thing That Will Attract Them?
Ethan Weiss
A recent study revealed that stents are likely ineffective at relieving chest pain. Why didn’t we know that?
Amanda Hess
What it was like to be a rank-and-file Sony employee as the unprecedented cyberattack tore the company apart.
Kurt Andersen
Three percent of the nation owns half the firearms—to prepare for an ultraviolent showdown that exists only in their imagination.
April Glaser
After Charlottesville, Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-right have become a lot less welcome on the web. So they’re building their own.
Will Oremus
A small team of engineers in Menlo Park. A panel of anonymous power users around the world. And, increasingly, you.
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