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Stanford UP Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Stanford UP.

9 Book

Who Wrote This?

How AI and the Lure of Efficiency Threaten Human Writing
Naomi S. Baron
Stanford UP, 2023
8 Libro


Reunir y dirigir equipos resilientes
Bradley Kirkman y Adam Stoverink
Stanford UP, 2023
8 Book


Building and Leading Resilient Teams
Bradley Kirkman and Adam Stoverink
Stanford UP, 2023
9 Libro

Innovación sin excusas

Estrategias para empresas pequeñas y medianas maduras
Bruce Vojak y Walter Herbst
Stanford UP, 2022
9 Book

The College Devaluation Crisis

Market Disruption, Diminishing ROI, and an Alternative Future of Learning
Jason Wingard
Stanford UP, 2022
9 Book

No-Excuses Innovation

Strategies for Small and Medium-Sized Mature Enterprises
Bruce Vojak and Walter Herbst
Stanford UP, 2022
7 Libro

La gran brecha de competencias

Optimizar el talento para el futuro del trabajo
Jason Wingard y Christine Farrugia
Stanford UP, 2021
8 Book

The Great Skills Gap

Optimizing Talent for the Future of Work
Jason Wingard and Christine Farrugia
Stanford UP, 2021
8 Book

Lead and Disrupt

How to Solve the Innovator’s Dilemma, Second Edition
Charles A. O'Reilly III and Michael L. Tushman
Stanford UP, 2021
9 Libro

Hábitos simples para tiempos complejos

Prácticas poderosas para los líderes
Jennifer Garvey Berger y Keith Johnston
Stanford UP, 2016
9 Book

Simple Habits for Complex Times

Powerful Practices for Leaders
Keith Johnston and Jennifer Garvey Berger
Stanford UP, 2016
8 Libro

Cambiar en el trabajo

Desarrolle líderes para un mundo complejo
Jennifer Garvey Berger
Stanford UP, 2011