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8 Report
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Supply Chain Dive, 2023
8 Artículo

El canal de Suez en peligro: lo que los cargadores deben saber para mitigar las interrupciones

Utilizar rutas alternativas como el cabo de Buena Esperanza no solo implica tiempos de tránsito más largos sino costos de flete más elevados. Esto es lo que opinan los expertos en transporte marítimo.
Alejandra Salgado
Supply Chain Dive, 2023
8 Artículo

Seis razones por las que las cadenas de suministro mundiales están cambiando

El riesgo político, las emisiones y los plazos de entrega son sólo algunos de los factores que empujan a las empresas a tomar decisiones de onshoring, nearshoring y friendshoring.
Edwin Lopez
Supply Chain Dive, 2023
8 Article

Suez Canal at risk: What shippers should know to mitigate disruption

Using alternative routes like the Cape of Good Hope not only means longer transit times but higher freight costs. Here’s what shipping experts had to say.
Alejandra Salgado
Supply Chain Dive, 2023
8 Article

6 Reasons Why Global Supply Chains Are Shifting

Political risk, emissions and lead times are just some of the drivers pushing companies toward onshoring, nearshoring and friendshoring decisions.
Edwin Lopez
Supply Chain Dive, 2023
8 Article

Shortages 2023

Four Goods Facing Tight Supplies This Year
Ben Unglesbee
Supply Chain Dive, 2023
8 Article
Kate Magill
Supply Chain Dive, 2023
8 Article

How the US plans to transform its lithium supply chain

With just 3.6% of global reserves, access to the critical mineral is vital to the country’s sustainable energy plans.
Deborah Abrams Kaplan
Supply Chain Dive, 2022