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The BetaCodex Network Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de The BetaCodex Network.

8 Report

How Should We Think about the Winners and Losers from Globalization?

Three Narratives and their Implications for the Redesign of International Economic Agreements
Nicolas Lamp
The BetaCodex Network, 2018
7 Article

Turn Your Company Outside-In!

Putting an End to “Management” and Tayloristic Command and Control
Gebhard Borck et al.
The BetaCodex Network, 2008
8 Report

A Tough Act to Follow

Contrast Effects in Financial Markets
Samuel M. Hartzmark and Kelly Shue
The BetaCodex Network, 2017
7 Report

Startup Ltd.

Tax Planning and Initial Incorporation Location
Susan C. Morse
The BetaCodex Network, 2013
7 Report
Eric J. Allen and Susan C. Morse
The BetaCodex Network, 2013