Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de The Walrus.
Troy Sebastian (NUPQU ʔA·Kǂ AM̓)
Los grupos indígenas llevan decenios luchando por la tierra, a menudo con resultados decepcionantes
Indigenous groups have been fighting for land for decades, often with disappointing results
Nicholas Hune-Brown
Librarians once worried about shushing patrons. Now they have to deal with mental health episodes, the homelessness crisis, and random violence
Mohit Rajhans y Kara Brisson-Boivin
Empatizar con internet
Mohit Rajhans and Kara Brisson-Boivin
Empathizing with the Internet
Matthew Braga
Fads come and go, but how to create a toy that stands the test of time is the billion-dollar question
Alex Gillis
Fake Publications Are Corrupting the World of Research – and Influencing Real News
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