Dan Hill
About Face
The Secrets of Emotionally Effective Advertising
Kogan Page, 2010
¿De qué se trata?
Your message must make an emotional connection with your consumer, or you won’t make a sale. Find out how.
The advertising industry is making a transition from creating ads that are “on-message” to producing messages that are “on-emotion.” An emotional connection generates sales, in part because the consumer’s overall brand experience carries more weight than a company’s slick marketing message. Author Dan Hill – an expert in “facial coding” – has gleaned 10 essential rules for producing advertising that resonates with consumers. Hill brings new insights, providing marketers with a better understanding of what they must do to evoke emotional responses. getAbstract recommends this text to marketers and salespeople and to those intrigued by the facial analysis used in the TV series Lie to Me.
About the Author
Dan Hill is author of the bestseller Emotionomics about facial coding analysis. He founded the research consultancy Sensory Logic, and he is an expert on facial coding and the role of emotions in marketing.
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