Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart
Branded Customer Service
The New Competitive Edge
Berrett-Koehler, 2004
¿De qué se trata?
Customer service that keeps the promises your brand makes can also build your profits.
Delivering quality customer service with a constant, consistent brand message is a powerful way to extend a brand’s reach, say authors and consultants Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart. When consumers have a positive experience, they buy more and become repeat customers. The book seems to posit that every nonmanufacturing aspect of IBM, Apple or Coca-Cola is about branding – but it isn't. Still, the intrepid manager who wants to provoke more customer interaction and employee involvement around the brand totem will find this book instructive. Of course, branding activities can be very effective – but, like other campaigns, they are best when executed with perspective.
About the Authors
Janelle Barlow is president of TMI and a partner in TMI International, a consulting firm with offices in 36 countries. She is also the author of A Complaint Is A Gift and Emotional Value. She regularly appears on CNBC’s NPR Marketplace. Paul Stewart is director of TMI New Zealand and the former chief economist for the ANZ Banking Group.
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