Thousands of years ago, China excelled in the art of bridge construction. After decades of striving to catch up with its Western counterparts, the country is now reclaiming the top spot when it comes to number and style of bridges. To document this realm, China’s official news agency Xinhua produced a series of reports on China’s modern-era bridge-building achievements. Among the articles they published on the same day, this piece stands out as the most thorough and informative – offering vivid descriptions and sound opinions as well as panoramic perspectives. Given the source of this article, you would expect nothing short of exuberant celebration of China’s bridge-building skills – and the article delivers. However, the information is solid, so don’t let your skepticism get the better of you. getAbstract recommends this article to executives in transportation, infrastructure markets and construction companies and to people with an appreciation for fine craftsmanship and engineering.
About the Authors
Liu Shiping, Qi Zhongxi, and Fan Xi are reporters at Xinhua News Agency, the official press agency of the People’s Republic of China.
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