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Gerald C. Kane, Doug Palmer, Anh Phillips, David Kiron and Natasha Buckley
Coming of Age Digitally
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
¿De qué se trata?
If you want your company to thrive in the digital age, question your traditional hierarchical structures.
Results from the MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte’s fourth annual digital business survey are in. The 2018 Digital Business Report assembles wisdom from the more than 4,300 managers, executives, and analysts surveyed and 17 interviews with executives and thought leaders to show how traditional companies are becoming “digitally mature” in a rapidly changing business environment. This year’s respondents reveal a heightened awareness of digital disruption and strong motivation to take solid action. What can your company do to become more digitally mature? Read on to find out.
About the Authors
Gerald C. Kane is a guest editor and David Kiron is the executive editor of the MIT Sloan Management Review. Anh Nguyen Phillips and Natasha Buckley do research for Deloitte, and Doug Palmer works on business strategy at Deloitte Digital.
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