A review of
Compassionate Leadership
How to Do Hard Things in a Human Way
The review below was first published in the getAbstract Journal on 10 may. 2023.
We’ve reviewed this title for you as we currently cannot offer a summary.
We’ve reviewed this title for you as we currently cannot offer a summary.
Enlightened Leaders
by David Meyer
Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter's worthwhile, fact-based manual helps leaders build compassion, wisdom, understanding and mindfulness.
By the same authors
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Sea emocionalmente inteligente

Construya y mantenga el bienestar

Liderazgo ejecutivo

Lidere estratégicamente

Lidere a su equipo


Gestione las crisis


Domine habilidades interpersonales

Crecimiento personal

Practique la atención plena

Muestre empatía y compasión

Habilidades blandas

Habilidades para el lugar de trabajo
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