Configurations of Confucian Entrepreneurship in the Asian Public Sector
A Preliminary Study of South Korean Public Organizations
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On the surface, Confucianism and entrepreneurship would not appear to make logical bedfellows. Yet, as governance experts Hyun Gyu Oh, Kyoung Ryoul Min, Hwa Yeon Kim and Sung Min Park explain, the philosophy created by Confucius nearly 2,500 years ago aligns with more elements of the entrepreneurial spirit than many people think. getAbstract recommends this enlightening article to those interested in Asian culture and its role in shaping the region’s economies.
About the Authors
Hyun Gyu Oh, Kyoung Ryoul Min and Hwa Yeon Kim are PhD candidates at Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea, where Sung Min Park is an associate professor.
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