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Consumer Goods and Retail

Consumer Goods and Retail

World Industry Outlook; April 2014

EIU, 2014

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  • Analytical
  • Well Structured
  • Visionary


Evolving technologies, developing markets and varying preferences will increasingly challenge global retail and consumer goods firms over the period 2014–2018. This report from the Economist Intelligence Unit says companies will need to adapt to changing times and shifting tastes. getAbstract recommends this cogent analysis to industry executives and analysts, as well as to those tracking global consumption trends.


Slowing growth in emerging markets, a sluggish recovery in the US and Europe, changing shopping habits, and evolving technology are just some of the challenges facing retail and consumer goods companies in the coming years. From 2014 to 2018, these firms should see global sales grow at an average of 3.2% annually, although prospects and the pace of growth vary widely across regions. Western Europe and North America will experience annual average growth of 1.1% and 2.3%, respectively, over the forecast period, while Asia and Australasia will show the highest growth, at 4.8%. In China, economic concerns and government opposition...

About the Author

The Economist Intelligence Unit is an independent research and analysis organization.

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