Five Lessons Learned from Catastrophic Failures of Leadership
When Fortune 100 executives lose their jobs over spectacular errors of judgment or behavior, it’s always their innate nature that leads them astray. Dynamic, forceful, ambitious executives have no monopoly on blindness about their darker urges, but if you want to achieve success under stress and manifest your goals, you must look inside yourself and be honest about what you see. Leadership guru Tim Irwin dissects six larger-than-life executives who derailed and explains what you can learn from each of them and from all of them. His easy, readable, compassionate tone conceals the profundity of his insights, but he delivers his message. getAbstract highly recommends this unique combination of business history, social critique and worthy self-help. Honestly answering the questions the author raises can help anyone avoid derailing.
About the Author
Tim Irwin, PhD, is an author and speaker on leadership development.
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