What connection could possibly exist between your desk at work and your personal life? Plenty, if you subscribe to the theory offered by Theo Theobald and Cary L. Cooper. Clutter not only makes finding your ballpoint pen and paper clips difficult, but disorganization also prevents you from achieving your full potential as an employee or a manager. Taking it one step further, disarray in your work area may reflect chaos in your life in general. Establishing a central location for your rubber bands or notepads will not suddenly transform you into a superstar employee. Tidying up your desk, however, will make you a better employee and can provide the impetus for you to see if the rest of your life is in order. The authors provide a 10-day program with a suggested change and three actions to complete each day. Written by two British authors, the book is loaded with references and jargon that may befuddle non-Europeans, but that doesn’t compromise its core message. If you just can’t seem to get your desk together, getAbstract recommends this book to you: Now you can come clean.
About the Authors
Theo Theobald is a freelance writer and lecturer who specializes in management and lifestyle. Cary L. Cooper is a professor of organizational psychology and health.
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